Wednesday, November 28, 2007


Last year, Heroes was introduced as a show that couldn’t be missed. It promised an action packed hour full of characters with the special super hero abilities and great plot twists that would keep every viewer on the edge of their seats.
Since its arrival, every one of its viewers has been glued to the screen, awaiting the next episode. “Heroes” has held top ratings since its pilot aired on September 25, 2006. “Heroes” is a show airing every Monday at nine that portrays people from all over the world who have acquired special abilities through genetic evolution.
These people are from every different country and of all ages. There is a child named Molly, who can pinpoint one’s location merely by thinking about them, and there is an older man who can reach inside someone’s dreams and nightmares to control them. A cheerleader, Claire Bennett, from Texas that can heal from any physical wound, a cop in LA, Matt, that can read people’s minds, and a politician, Nathan Petrelli, in New York City that can fly, among several others.
Last season, when the show first aired, each episode introduced the viewers to a new character with a unique ability as set in chapters of a comic book series written by an artist, Isaac Mendez that can paint the future when on heroin. These paintings were a guide for the Heroes to use to save New York from an atomic explosion. First they had to “Save the Cheerleader, Save the World”. As they began to use their “powers” on their quest to save the cheerleader, Claire, they found others with special abilities as well.
Two of the main characters introduced last season, Peter Petrelli and Sylar, were able to copy others abilities. Sylar was portrayed as the “villain” in the series because he was stealing others powers. Throughout the season, he would stalk different characters, cut out their brains, and steal their powers. Peter Petrelli was able to mimic other’s abilities, but not control them. Midway through the first season, Peter discovered that one of Isaac’s paintings predicted that he would consume the wrong power, not be able to control it, which would cause him to destroy New York City by blowing up.
As the season progressed, we learned that Claire’s father, Noah Bennett, was an employee of the “Company” that was formed by an older generation of Heroes to track these special people. The company consists of teams made of normal people and heroes. Noah’s partner is a Haitian who can erase people’s memories. The Haitian is an important asset of the company as he allows them to control what people remember about the company and these special people. Noah and the Haitian would travel around the world to snatch these special people to test their abilities and plant a tracking device.
Claire is the biological daughter of Nathan Petrelli and was given to Noah and his wife as in infant to be watched and protected. She survived a house fire that was believed to have killed her mother which led the company to the conclusion that she was special as well. Nathan’s mother, Angela Petrelli, and father were two of the founders of the Company. They have special abilities as well, although we have not yet learned what they are.
Dr. Mohinder Suresh is the son of a geneticist that studied this genetic evolution and was able to track them throughout the world. His father was killed in the first season by Sylar who was in search of the names and locations of other heroes. Mohinder learned, later in season one, which his sister, Shanti, had died with the special abilities that his father was so interested in. This acquired knowledge made Mohinder realize that there was a deadly virus that would threaten the rest of mankind and destroy 97 percent of the world’s population in 2008. The company, disguised as Primatech Paper Company in Odessa, TX, had been trying to find the cure for this deadly disease when Mohinder realized that his blood could eliminate the disease.
As the season ended, all of the characters began to arrive in New York City, causing Peter to become overwhelmed with all of his powers. In order to prevent Peter from destroying New York City, and everyone in it, his brother, Nathan, was forced to use his flying ability to lift Peter into space. This ending to the first season left everyone wanting more.
The second season started out, reviewing everything from the first season, and clarifying some answers held by most. One of the new characters is Maya Herrera, along with her brother Alejandro. Maya has the ability to create a deadly illness to all around her when she cries. Because she can’t control her ability, she has already killed so many. Maya and Alejandro have traveled from the Dominican Republic to America to seek out Dr. Suresh’s help with her abilities. She and her brother, unknowingly, have run into Sylar who is attempting to use Maya to get to Suresh and the company.
Now we are near the end of the second season, and there are new problems arising. There is a virus, the ever spreading Shanti virus, that is threatening, not only the “Heroes”, but all of humanity. Now, all of the Heroes have to find a way to come together to stop the spread of this deadly virus.
This series is very enjoyable. It is an action series with things for everyone. It is a show that relates to all viewers. Many children enjoy Heroes because it is similar to Spiderman and Superman; giving them something interesting to believe in. It is enjoyable for adults because of its great storyline; action packed fighting scenes, and an amazing plot. Every show begins with unanswered questions and leaves the viewer wanting more.
On NBC’s website, there is link that will take you to Hero’s official web page. On this page, you can watch the current week’s episode, learn about the different characters, go behind the scenes, and even create your own hero. The first season is now available on DVD, and the second season is nearly over. For all that love action, drama, and science fiction type shows, Heroes is definitely the show for you!!

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