Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Why Did I Get Married: Viewers Perspective

Robert Gray, a United States Army Specialist, says that the movie is a depiction of friends who have remained close since college. For the most part, the story line categorizes different difficulties as a married couple. Despite the obstacles that come up in each relationship, the vacation is a time for them to share and receive feedback from one another. It is always important to seek advice from the ones you love. Each and every one character was straight forward with one another, even if the truth hurts. This movie taught me the value of a relationship. Communication is one of the keys that one must obtain in order to keep the flames in a relationship. I am getting married next year, and I learned that my fiancé and I should not allow our careers to determine the outcome of our happiness. We should be able to love each other in spite of the situation.

Courtesy of IMDB

Myiea Henry : Erica Sanders, what did you think about the Tyler Perry movie, Why Did I Get Married?

Erica Sanders: I think that Tyler Perry did an excellent job with the movie. I enjoyed the movie and the characters made the movie come to life.

Myiea Henry : What theme or part did you take from the movie and apply to everyday life?

Erica Sanders: The part of the movie that I remember the most is when Jill Scott’s character told her former husband about the 80/20 rule. This rule applies to most relationships. This made me reflect on past relationships because I was giving more than my boyfriend. This also reminds me of girls who are in relationships solely for gain. Most females should learn from this in order to save themselves if this were to ever happen to them.

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